3 Buffalo Bicycle Month Events

Posted: May 5, 2014

Buffalo is seeing shifts in attitudes regarding transportation, and more people are choosing to hop on a bicycle rather than into a car. This can be seen in the way the area has embraced May as Bicycle Month by hosting events promoting bicycle safety to help prevent Buffalo bicycle accidents.

  • National Bike To School Day -On Monday, May 5, Buffalo’s children are being encouraged to ride their bikes to school. The event correlates with the Buffalo Board of Education Physical Activity Committee’s initiative to get students to participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day.
  • Bike To Work Week- Throughout the week of May 12-16, adults in Buffalo are encouraged to make their way to work on a bicycle. Those who participate are encouraged to stop by locations throughout the city that will be set up to serve breakfast to commuters on bikes. Times and locations for the breakfasts can be found on the website for the event’s sponsor, GOBike Buffalo.
  • The SkyRide– GOBike Buffalo will also be the host of the month’s culminating event, which will take place on May 31. The ride will feature a scenic cruise through many of the historic locations throughout Buffalo. The event will be topped off with a food truck lot and beer tent at the end of the tour.

The Syracuse personal injury lawyers with William Mattar Law Offices would like to remind citizens of the many benefits cycling can provide and would encourage everyone to come out to one of the many bicycle events taking place this month.

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