Teach New Teen Drivers the Dangers of Distracted Driving

June 10, 2019 | By William Mattar, P.C.
Teach New Teen Drivers the Dangers of Distracted Driving Distracted Teen driver on cell phoneMost parents who have tried teaching their teen good driving habits will tell you that teenagers consider themselves experienced and "safe" drivers as soon as they get their driver's license. How can parents make an impact on their new teen drivers regarding the dangers of distracted driving? Is that even possible?

Distracted Driving vs. Cellphones

Talking or texting on cellphones is not the only type of distracted driving that can cause accidents. Eating, drinking, talking to passengers and adjusting radio/music/GPS systems are also included as distractions that interfere with safe driving. Tell your new driver that these distractions can take most, if not all, of their attention away from the road just as much as using a cellphone. Ask them what they would do if they were driving on a busy street and suddenly spilled a large soda all over themselves. Would they take their eyes off the road? Would they slam on their brakes? It is important to educate teens on the dangers of distracted driving.

Teens and Passengers

The New York State Department of Health reports that most teenagers killed in auto accidents were riding in cars driven by another teenager. In 2010, NYS passed a law making it illegal for junior licensed drivers to transport more than one passenger under 21 unless a driving instructor or parent is in the teen's vehicle. Parents may want to consider going online and showing their teens these statistics, which outline the increased risk of being involved in a car crash when carrying a teen passenger.

Dangers of Distracted Driving

When distracted driving accidents cause serious physical injuries, you need a car accident attorney who will fight to get you adequate compensation. Call William Mattar if you or a loved one has been the victim of a distracted driver. 844-444-4444.