How Can New Drivers Reduce the Risk of Accidents?

New young driver
Posted: June 10, 2022

was launched to inform new drivers and their parents or guardians of the importance of safety behind the wheel.

New drivers need to be prepared to navigate crowded highways. Safety tips and defensive driving courses can help teenage drivers avoid the risk accidents. 

Parent-Teen Driving Agreements Help New Drivers Stay Safe

When young people reach driving age, enrolling them in an appropriate safety defensive driving course is important. But that’s not the only support needed by these new drivers. Parents can act as role models and even create rules to help protect their children on the road.  According to the CDC and AAA, parent-teen driving agreements – voluntary agreements that define acceptable driving behavior – may be a good way to encourage safe driving behavior on the roads.

For example, the sample “parent-teen agreement” developed by the CDC contains promises that the teen driver will:

  • Obey traffic laws.
  • Stay focused on driving.
  • Respect laws about drugs and alcohol. 
  • Be a responsible driver.  

If a young driver understands the reasons underlying the rule, and the consequences for breaking them, that may help young drivers understand the need to follow the rules, reinforcing safe driving habits.

AAA has also suggested use of a “Family-to-Family” agreement, which can allow parents to work together to ensure teens gain driving experience in a safe environment. 

Tips for New Drivers to Remember

Being a new driver can be exciting, but it’s a privilege that requires responsibility. 

Motor vehicle crashes are the second leading cause of death for US teens. Following safety tips and defensive driving practice, new drivers can limit the risk of injury while enjoying the freedom of driving. Parent-teen driving agreements can potentially include non-negotiable rules that go above and beyond that which can be found in the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law. Some ideas can include, but are not limited to: 

  • Limit the number of passengers – allowing only one or two minimizes distractions.
  • Put away your cell phone while the car is in motion – distracted driving is a leading cause of serious accidents. 
  • Keep music at low volume – so sirens, car horns, etc. can be heard clearly.
  • Don’t change radio stations or other settings while the car is moving.
  • Obey a set curfew, and call if the curfew will likely be violated
  • Not eat or drink in the car while in motion
  • Identify the destination and anticipated time of return.

Distracted driving, whatever the reason, for even a second, creates serious damage.

Studying for a learner’s permit, passing a road test, getting a driver’s license, are all rites of passage on the way to becoming a responsible adult. Becoming a safe, rather than erratic and distracted, driver is one of the best ways a new driver can make a positive impact. 

William Mattar, P.C. devoted time in March to informing new drivers and their parents or guardians of the importance of safety behind the wheel through our New Driver Safety Campaign. 

William Mattar – Helping People, It’s What We Do

At our firm, helping people is what we do. Parental support can promote the development of safe driving habits and help prevent accidents. In some cases, however, no matter the precautions taken a collision cannot be avoided. If you or a family member was injured in an accident where the other driver was at fault, do not hesitate to contact us to discuss how we might help you achieve maximum compensation.  Hurt in a motor vehicle accident? Call William Mattar 844-444-4444.

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