Most people tend to initially think about costs associated with repairing a vehicle after an accident. However, there are so many more costs associated with New York City car accidents. Many of them can become extremely expensive.
Property Damage
The damage to the vehicles is not the only property damage that can occur. Light poles, telephone poles, business property, and anything else that gets damaged will likely need to be repaired or replaced at the expense of your insurance company.
Lost Wages
In New York State, your insurance company may pay for accident expenses and then attempt to recoup those costs from the other party's insurance company. But if you are considered to be negligent for the accident, then your company may have to swallow some costs. That may include replacing lost wages for people involved in the accident. In New York City, you might also be responsible for the lost wages of any pedestrians or other vehicle drivers who have lost wages associated with their accident injuries as well.
Ongoing Medical Costs
When it comes to medical costs associated with an accident, the emergency medical bills for those involved in the accident are not the only considerations. If doctors discover that an ongoing injury was the result of the crash, your insurance company may have to pay for ongoing medical bills and any therapy associated with your recovery. These ongoing medical bills and therapy costs can pile up in a short period of time.
Your Insurance Rates
If you live or work in New York City, your auto insurance rates may already be pretty high. But if you get into an accident, your rates may increase even more.
Our firm understands the financial challenges that New York City residents face in the aftermath of a car accident. If you are in a New York City car accident, give our tough car accident lawyers a call and let us help you with your claim.