The World Health Organization issued a report about the dramatic influence speed has on increasing injury severity in car accidents. Researchers found that pedestrians in particular have a 90 percent chance of survival if a car traveling 30 km/h or below. Alternately, pedestrians only have a 50 percent chance of surviving being struck by vehicles traveling 45 km/h miles per hour. The WHO further states that pedestrians have almost no chance of survival following impact with a vehicle going 80 km/h. In many Albany car accidents, speed is a primary factor. Other factors can include distractions (texting or talking on a cell phone, eating,) or driving while intoxicated and/or high on drugs. The personal injury attorneys at William Mattar urge all victims of negligent drivers who exceed the speed limit and cause serious crashes to contact our firm today. We may be able to help you get the compensation you deserve, lost wages or other relevant damages.
Is Speed a Factor in Some Albany Car Accidents?