Common Soft Tissue Injuries Caused by Syracuse Car Accidents
Soft tissue injuries after a car collision on Syracuse roads are common. If you've been involved in a car collision, and you fear you are injured, seek medical attention and consider retaining the services of a professional personal injury lawyer. The insurance company has an obligation to pay a claim that includes medical bills and lost wages.
What are Soft Tissue Injuries?
Soft tissues injuries include damage to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that occur after a collision. These may not be apparent right away, as most people are pretty sore all over after a crash. However, if left untreated, these injuries can cause damage to your joints and impair your ability to work or just complete daily life tasks.
Soft tissue injuries don't just cause pain and damage to the damaged tendons or muscles themselves. If you've sprained your ankle or pulled muscles in your back, your body may compensate by making your other leg or muscles on the opposite side of your body work harder. This, in turn, can lead to muscle and ligament damage from overuse of these muscles.
Common Symptoms of Soft Tissue Injuries
Feeling stiff and sore is common after a car collision, so symptoms of soft tissue injuries may be masked. Other, more obvious symptoms of a soft tissue injury include muscle spasms, numbness and tingling, and localized pain. Depending on where you've received soft tissue damage, you may also have headaches, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating and tiredness or trouble sleeping. If you experience any of these in the days following a wreck, you may want to consider seeking medical evaluation, as the longer you wait, the more easily the other driver's insurance company can claim they're caused from something else.
Why Do I Need Medical Attention After a Wreck?
Insurance companies tend to fight claims for soft tissue injuries. For this reason, it's important that you have medical documentation about the initial injury, as well as follow up appointments from your specialist physician.
Filing a Soft Tissue Injury Claim
A professional car accident attorney like William Mattar can help you pursue a claim for damages after a car collision in Syracuse. Our team has extensive experience fighting for their clients against big insurance companies, from initial filing all the way through mediation or the courtroom. Contact one of our Syracuse car accident lawyers today at (844) 444 - 4444 to discuss your claim.