Albany Uber and Lyft Rideshare Accident Lawyers After an Albany Car Accident

emergency responders on scene of car accidentMany people use rideshares as their transportation of choice. These services can help you explore a new city or go out for the evening. With so many ridesharers on the road, accidents can happen, sometimes leaving passengers and others on the road seriously injured.

If you’ve been injured in a rideshare accident in Albany, contact William Mattar law offices. Our experienced car accident attorneys can help those injured in serious motor vehicle accidents in the Capital Region, and we can help you too. To schedule a free initial consultation, call (844) 444-4444 or complete our online consultation form.

Why Hire a Rideshare Accident Lawyer After an Albany Car Accident?

It can be helpful to hire an accident lawyer after you suffer an injury. An attorney can take on many of the legal details of filing a claim, including investigating the crash, negotiating with insurance companies, and ensuring deadlines are met. An attorney can also use legal knowledge to ensure you receive the best recovery possible.

According to the Department of Motor Vehicles, a rideshare is classified as a Transportation Network Company (TNC) in New York. These services use a digital platform (typically a mobile app) to connect independent drivers and customers. TNCs are subject to unique insurance regulations.

Car accident cases of any kind involve a lot of work and investigation. However, rideshare accidents have added complications. It can be challenging to obtain compensation when up against a big rideshare company. A rideshare attorney knows the applicable regulations and rideshare laws and can fight for you to get compensation after your accident.

Types of Uber and Lyft Accident Injuries

Uber and Lyft accident injuries can be catastrophic and significantly affect a person’s life. Victims of rideshare accidents can accumulate medical expenses, lose wages due to time off work, and suffer emotional and physical pain. Some potential injuries include but are not limited to:

  • Neck injuries;
  • Spinal cord damage;
  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Internal organ damage;
  • Broken bones;
  • Dental/facial injuries;
  • Lacerations; and
  • Burns.

If you’ve suffered injuries in a rideshare collision, don’t hesitate to contact William Mattar. We can guide you through the process of what to do next after suffering a serious injury.

Can I Get Compensation for an Albany Rideshare Accident?

If you’ve been injured in an Albany rideshare accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Available coverage may depend on the specific details of the crash, including which party is liable. Let’s say you were a passenger in a rideshare when your driver caused a motor vehicle accident. In this case, you will likely be covered under the rideshare company’s group insurance policy.

Those injured in rideshare accidents can face challenges when trying to find a source of compensation. They may be up against multiple insurance adjusters and complicated rules. The experienced car accident attorneys at William Mattar can help you navigate these difficulties. We can help you pursue compensation for medical expenses, lost wages or profits, pain and suffering, and/or loss of consortium. Contact us today.

Hurt in an Albany Rideshare Accident? Call William Mattar. 

Albany rideshare accidents can be devastating. If you were an Uber passenger in a crash, or a pedestrian hit by a Lyft driver — William Mattar law offices can help. Our rideshare accident lawyers know the struggles you may face and can help you with your accident claim. Call us today at (844) 444-4444 to schedule a free initial consultation with one of our attorneys.

Our Achievements
We are proud to share that William Mattar, P.C. has been recognized multiple times as one of the Best Companies to Work for in New York State. As a firm focused on helping people, we understand that this starts with how we treat each other. We’re happy to be recognized for creating such a notably positive work environment!

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