Olubukola ‘Bukie’ Akinlua

Attorney Olubukola Akinlua grew up in Lagos, Nigeria, and resides in Williamsville, NY.  Known at the firm as ‘Bukie,’ she earned her undergraduate degree (Bachelor of Laws LL.B.) in 2005 from Lagos State University in Lagos, Nigeria. She then earned her graduate degree from Nigerian Law School, Barrister at Law (B.L). in February 2007, and was admitted to the Nigerian Bar and licensed to practice in all 36 states in Nigeria, including the Federal Capital Territory, in July 2007.

She earned her Master of Laws (LL.M) in New York State from the University at Buffalo Law School with honors in 2021. Bukie was admitted to practice law in New York in 2024 and is a member of the Nigerian Bar Association and the Bar Association of Erie County.

In Nigeria, she practiced both civil and criminal law for two years before relocating to the U.S. and later earned her Master of Laws degree at the UB School of Law. She says she has always been seeking justice. “I have always had a strong passion for advocating for people in need. I remember being the child in elementary school who would always stand up to bullies. Now as an attorney, I can make a significant difference by helping people! Telling our clients to focus on their physical and mental health while I advocate their legal matters is very fulfilling to me.”

“A strong motivation for me to continue my attorney career with William Mattar is that I enjoy using my empathy for humanity and my legal experience in restoring hope to people. Car accident injuries can leave people feeling vulnerable and I can bring some comfort and peace to the situation. I’m fully inspired to work as a personal injury attorney as I enjoy the direct involvement with clients. I can ease the concerns of our clients, most of whom are frustrated, scared, and sometimes have no idea of the next step to take after being involved in an accident. I explain the process to clients, telling them to focus on their health, while I focus on advocating their interests and rendering my support throughout the process. I am a strong believer in the admonition by the Bible that says: ‘Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might…’ This personal belief will surely be a great driving force in my duty to make a difference at the firm.”

Bukie has many passions and interests outside of practicing law, including cooking, singing, and dancing. She also enjoys traveling and spending time with her family.

  • Lagos State University in Lagos, Nigeria, Bachelor of Laws (LL.B)
  • Nigerian Law School, Barrister at Law (B.L)
  • State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law, Master of Laws (LL.M) with honors
  • Nigeria (all 36 States)
  • New York State
  • Bar Association of Erie County
  • Nigerian Bar Association